Kindergarten Supply List:
Please Do Not Label Items
1 Backpack large enough for a notebook (no wheels please)
1 Prang or Crayola water colors
5 Packages Crayola Crayons (24 count washable)
2 Packages Crayola Markers (classic colors)
2 White 3 ring 1” hard binders with clear front sleeve
1 4 pack of play doh
8 Large Elmer's glue sticks
24 #2 pencils (Ticonderoga, plain yellow, no designs)
1 4 pack of dry erase markers (black)
2 Large pink erasers
1 pair of headphones with cord (no earbuds, no wireless)
2 Boxes of tissues
2 Containers of Clorox Wipes
Boys 1 Box of Sandwich size Ziploc bags
Boys 1 pack of 8.5"x 11" white card stock
Boys 1 roll of paper towels
Girls 1 Box of Gallon size Ziploc bags
Girls 1 Pack of laminating pouches for 8.5"x 11" paper
Girls 1 pack of baby wipes