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Grading Policy


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I do not generally assign homework.  Students have plenty of time to complete work in class.  If your student brings unfinished work home it needs to be completed that night and returned the next school day. 

If your student is absent, school policy is that they have two school days to complete and return missed work. It is very important that missed work be turned in!!

If your student's paper has an "E" on it instead of a grade that means that he or she was with another teacher during that lesson.  They are "excused" from the grade. 

We use a standards based grading system in first grade.  This will be explained more in the first parent teacher conference.  Teaching, practice, student observations and practical assessments will be done during the class day.  Graded work will show points earned on practiced skills compared to total points possible.  For example:  +10/15 would mean the student earned 10 out of a possible 15 points for the assignment.  If a paper is marked "please redo" then the points earned show that the student scored below satisfactory and would benefit from more practice on that skill.  Scored assignments will have a circled grade of 1, 2, or 3.  These align with the report card assessment.