January Information
Wednesday, January 1st - Happy New Year
Monday, January 6th - Professional Development Day
Friday,January 17th - Assembly
Monday, January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Parent(s) & Guardian(s) - When the school is on Virtual Learning, I have Google classroom set for students who I take grades for. Students need to complete IXL and Splash Learn lessons. If students forget their login information to their Gmail, please email me, and I can send it to you. If students need assistance on work, please email me to set up a zoom meeting so I can help them.
Robin Hill's Android App for Phones
Child Find Information is located under the Child Find page.
Drama information is on the drama page. Please look 5th-8th graders, I will email parents, teachers, and students the drama calendar. I also post on the Drama Google class the calendar too.